Member-only story

Being Unloved…

Franchester Williams
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? Have you ever felt an attachment to a toxic person? Have you ever someone continue to use you for love because they knew you were solid? These people are the fucking worst. They come along and drain you of your love with no intention of returning those feelings.

What can you do to avoid this from happening? Honestly, nothing because in the great words of The Main Ingredient “Everybody plays the fool sometimes” but what you can do in order to stop playing the fool is to simply stop being a doormat.

Yes, this is easier said than done. It’s not really simple to stop loving someone even if they are hurting you. But think about it, truly think about, would you continue to stay with someone who kept trying to kill you. No! You would be trying to get away. We have to think about our own safety.

We are taught to NOT be selfish and think of others. Fuck that! We need to think of ourselves. In certain cases, it is perfectly acceptable to be selfish. This being one of them. If someone you love doesn’t love you back or treat you as if they would be absolutely fine with going weeks, months, and even years without you. Fuck them!

The same way you loved that person you have to love yourself. Self-love isn’t just taking yourself out on dates. Self-love isn’t just going shopping or doing fun things. It’s…



Franchester Williams
Franchester Williams

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